You can find an overview of the congresses we are currently co-organising in our congress calendar.
We are proud of our over 75 years of continuous cooperation with many national and international
scientific congress organisers in Austria and abroad. We can look back on years of shared experiences
with many of our partners.
Our quality lies in our team of employees who have worked for us for
years and
always take charge of every congress, big or small, in a way that inspires trust and an esprit that
reflects our commitment to long-term, quality-oriented services.
Gather your own impression!
European Congress of Radiology – ECR
Vienna, continuously since 1991
European Congress for Medical Oncology – ESMO
Berlin 25, Barcelona 24, Madrid 23, Paris 22, Virtual 21, Virtual 20, Barcelona 19, Munich 18, Madrid 17, Copenhagen 16, Madrid 14, Vienna 12, Milan 10, Stockholm 08, Vienna 04, Vienna 96
Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe – CIRSE
Barcelona 25, Lisbon 24, Copenhagen 23, Barcelona 22, Virtual 21, Virtual 20, Barcelona 19, Lisbon 18, Copenhagen 17, Barcelona 16, Lisbon 15, Glasgow 14, Barcelona 13, Lisbon 12, Munich 11, Valencia 10, Lisbon 09, Copenhagen 08, Athens
07, Rome 06
United European Gastroenterology - UEG Week
Berlin 25, Vienna 24, Copenhagen 23, Vienna 22, Virtual 21, Virtual 20, Barcelona 19, Vienna 18, Barcelona 17, Vienna 16, London 09, Vienna 08
European Association of Nuclear Medicine – EANM
Barcelona 25, Hamburg 24, Vienna 23, Barcelona 22, Virtual 21, Virtual 20, Barcelona 19, Düsseldorf 18, Vienna 17, Barcelona 16, Hamburg 15, Göteborg 14, Lyon 13, Milan 12, Birmingham 11, Vienna 10
European Congress on Interventional Oncology – ECIO
Rotterdam 25, Palma de Mallorca 24, Stockholm 23, Vienna 22, Virtual 21, Amsterdam 19, Vienna 18, Bilbao 17, Dublin 16, Nice 15, Berlin 14, Budapest 13, Florence 12,10,08
European Conference on Embolotherapy - ET
Porto 25, Vienna 24, Valencia 23, Nice 22, Virtual 21, Valencia 19
Global Embolization Symposium and Technologies – GEST
Florence 17, Seville 15, Prague 13, Paris 11, Paris 09, Florence 08
IROS – Interventional Radiology (Interventionell Radiologisches Olbert Symposium)
Salzburg 25, Salzburg 24, Salzburg 23, Salzburg 22, Salzburg 20, Berlin 19, Salzburg 18, Berlin 17, Salzburg 16, Berlin 15, Salzburg 14, Berlin 13, Salzburg 12, Salzburg 11, Munich 10, Salzburg 09, Munich 08
European Congress of Gastrointestinal Radiology – ESGAR
Amsterdam 25, Göteborg 24, Valencia 23, Lisbon 22, Virtual 21, Virtual 20, Rome 19, Dublin 18, Athens 17, Prague 16, Paris 15, Salzburg 14, Barcelona 13, Edinburgh 12, Venice 11, Dresden 10, Valencia 09, Istanbul 08,
Lisbon 07, Crete 06, Florence 05, Geneva 04, Budapest 03, Dublin 01
Ultraschall Dreiländertreffen (D.A.CH. – Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz)
Salzburg 24, Wien 21, Linz 17, Innsbruck 14, Vienna 11 (WFUMB), Salzburg 09, Graz 06, Bregenz 03, Vienna 00; as well as in the 1990s
Swiss Congress of Radiology - SCR
Geneva 24, Davos 23, Fribourg 22, Virtual 21, St. Gallen 19, Lausanne 18, Bern 17, Davos 16, Basel 15
European Lung Cancer Congress - ELCC
Paris 25, Prague 24, Copenhagen 23, Prague 22, Geneva 15-20
ESMO Breast Cancer
Munich 25, Berlin 24, Berlin 23, Berlin 22, Virtual 21, Virtual 20
It would be a pleasure to inform you about congresses in the preceding years upon request.
Since the 1940s, MAW has organised exhibitions for
in all the fields of medicine.
Here is a selection of medical associations that we have cooperated with for years - sometimes even decades
- yearly or almost every year:
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Gynäkologische Onkologie
Berufsverband Kinderkrankenpflege
Grazer Fortbildungstage der Ärztekammer für Steiermark – Fortbildungsreferat
Karl Landsteiner Gesellschaft
Österreichische Atherosklerosegesellschaft
Österreichische Diabetes Gesellschaft
Österreichische Gesellschaft für arzneimittelgestützte Behandlung von Suchtkrankheit
Österreichische Gesellschaft für chirurgische Onkologie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Dermatologie & Venerologie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Endodontie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie & Hepatologie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kardiologie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Kosmetologie & Altersforschung
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Notfall- und Katastrophenmedizin
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Klinische Pathologie und Molekularpathologie/IAP Austria
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parodontologie
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Radioonkologie, Radiobiologie und Medizinische Radiophysik
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Rheumatologie & Rehabilitation
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde
Österreichische Menopausegesellschaft — "Menopause — Andropause — Anti-Aging"
Österreichische Palliativgesellschaft
Österreichische Röntgengesellschaft
Steirische Akademie für Allgemeinmedizin
WIT – Wiener Intensivmedizinische Tage
Some congresses organised in non-medical fields in Austria (by our
daughter company Media-Plan,
Kongress und Fachmesse Gas Wasser (ÖVGW) – annually since 1981
International Vienna Motor Symposium - Vienna, annually since 1984
Austrian Paper Conference – Graz, annually since 2010
Uni Orientiert – Vienna, annually since 2016 (exhibition stand construction)
Uni Leben – Vienna, annually since 2016 (exhibition stand construction)
Österreichischer Verband für Strahlenschutz ÖVS – annually since 2022
Lange Nacht der Forschung – Vienna, 2022, 2024 (exhibition stand construction)
It would be a pleasure to inform you about congresses in the preceding years upon request.
Intraoperative Therapy (ISIORT)
European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society (EMSOS)
Audi-Neuro-Otologen (ADANO)
Tick Borne Symposium
Water Microbiology
Austrian Bone Conference (ABC)
International College of Angiology (Virtual, ICA)
World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
European Congress of Ophthalmology – (Joint SOE/ AAO) – local exhibition management
Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research (GTH)
European Lung Cancer Congress
STI & AIDS World Congress
European Burns Association Congress (EBA)
European Congress on Colorectal Cancer (EFR)
International Council of Medical Acupuncture (ICMART)
International Meeting on Emerging Diseases & Surveillance (IMED)
Eurothrombosis Summit
European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC)
European Congress of General Practice and Family Medicine (WONCA)
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS)
European Congress of Urology (EAU) – local exhibition management
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR)
International Conference for Bone and Mineral Research
European Association of Hospital Pharmacists (EAHP)
European Congress on Animal Cell Technology (ESACT)
European Craniofacial Congress (ECC)
International Society for Apheresis (ISFA)
International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG)
Joint Ultrasound Congress (WFUMB / EUROSON / D.A.CH)
International Conference on Lyme Borreliosis and other Tick-Borne Diseases (ICLB Ljubljana)
World Congress for NeuroRehabilitation (WCNR)
Austro – Hungarian Pathology Congress (ÖGP/IAP)
World Congress of Psycho-Oncology (IPOS)
International Meeting on Advanced Spine Techniques (IMAST) – local exhibition management
European Congress of Paediatric Surgery (Joint EUPSA/ BAPS Graz)
Joint Congress Austria/Germany/Switzerland on Haematology and Oncology (ÖGHO/ DGHO/ SGMO)
European Congress for Cosmetic Dentistry (ESCD)
European Congress for Artficial Organs (ESAO)
Congress of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS)
European Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (EUFOS)
European Anti-Aging Congress (ESAAM)
European Congress for Haematopathology (EAHP)
International Cytokine Congress
European Orthodontic Congress (EOS)
International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV)
Central European Orthopaedic Congress (CEOC)
Continuing Engineering Education (WCCEE)
Micro- and Nano-Engineering (mne)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)
International Botanical Congress (IBC)
Euroanaesthesia (ESA) – local exhibition management
European Congress of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS)
International Congress on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (ICOMS)
World Congress of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP)
European Congress on Physiotherapy
World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology (WCVD)
International Congress of the Transplantation Society
European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
International Shoulder Course (ISC)
Congress of the European Respiratory Society (ERS)
European Congress for Osseointegration (EAO)
World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM)
European Congress of Neurological Societies (EFNS)
Mycoplasmology (IOM)
International Congress of Midwives (ICM)
International Congress for Radio-Oncology (ICRO)
World Conference on Assisted Reproductive Technology (A PART Venice, Budapest, Vienna)
International Congress on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA Heidelberg, Vienna)
World Congress of Low Back- and Pelvic Pain (Montreal, Vienna)
European Congress on Obesity (ECO)
European Cystic Fibrosis Conference (CF)
International Congress of Nutrition (ICN / IUNS)
International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity (ISAPA)
World Congress for Pancreas and Islet Transplantation (IPITA)
International Symposium on Predictive Oncology & Therapy (ISPO Paris)
Cardiology Vienna & Mayo
European Congress for Thoracic Imaging (ESTI)
International Congress of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
European Congress of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI)
It would be a pleasure to inform you about congresses in the preceding years upon request.
Associations who have trusted MAW with their member services and administration:
I have worked with the Kreiner family and MAW for over twenty years, a time in which we organised the
European Congress of Radiology at the Austria Center Vienna every year and innumerable smaller events all
over Europe. In all these years MAW was always a reliable and loyal partner. Their support has been
unique, also in difficult times. They were always ready to stand by our side when
it was time for renewal, innovation and change. Every organiser would be happy to have the excellent MAW
team there
to support them!
I would like to thank you for the excellent cooperation. The MAW staff has been extremely professional and helpful. It is clear that also our sponsors appreciated working with MAW and I am glad that we will work together again.